Perceive, judge, decide with risk'n'fun trainings in March - From level 1 in terrain close to the slopes to high alpine terrain with level 4 in Saalbach-Hinterglemm, Sonnenkopf, Tuxer Alps, Fieberbrunn, Hohe Tauern.
risk'n'fun, the training programme of the Alpine Club youth for freeriders aged 16 and over, is entering the last third of the anniversary season. Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 as well as the final chill-out weekend in Fieberbrunn in March will delight the risk'n'fun community. Happy are those who have a place for it and can party, ride, hike, shred, plan, powder and much more, because risk'n'fun FREERIDE is fully booked this year. All 100 days of training were as much in demand as fresh powder. Luckily for the others, who are not yet there or are taking a break this time, there is the consequent announcement from the Alpenverein youth that risk'n'fun is still available. In snow-rich as well as in snow-poor winters. With full motivation ahead! Joy, curiosity, adventure paired with risk awareness and personal responsibility. Out in nature, in known and unknown terrain. Just like in 20 years.
Back in 2000, it was new that alpine technical and interpersonal skills were combined in outdoor sports. Nowadays it should be a matter of course to combine so-called hard skills and soft skills. Right from the start, risk'n'fun was convincing and to the point and developed into a training programme that is firmly established in the Austrian Alpine Association and unique in Europe. In terms of content, the aim is still the same, namely to impart risk competence and risk optimisation to young people who use snowboarding or skiing in open terrain. The rule of three "perceive, judge, decide" has long since climbed the peaks and spread - virally, socially and beyond freeriding. With all this success (also thanks to consistency) Dani Tollinger, who has been on the management team of risk'n'fun for 20 years, adds "In my opinion (...) it is important that we stay agile and in motion and open the doors for young, motivated people.
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